New Recipes

My latest cause/passion/thing I want to know everything about: food.

I was exposed to Supersize Me and Food Inc. at a young age and was subsequently traumatized. But recently, my interest in the food industry has sparked again. You all know my spring time interests included recycling and urban farming. I’ve been using my little patio garden all summer long, but I wanted to learn about more ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve recently watched Fed Up and Bite Size. I’m currently in the post-documentary stage where I want to eat nothing but leaves (but haven’t actually thrown out any chocolate). It’s astonishing how much horrible things are in our food today. Those movies paired with a few weekends out of town have had me with the strong desire to do some serious meal prepping and try out new recipes. I know that if I don’t make my lunches and at least plan out my dinners I’ll eat nothing but chips/popcorn/ice cream.

Now, I don’t calorie count and I don’t really know what exactly makes certain vegetables healthy. I live by the general principle of if I know the ingredients in the food, it’s healthy because natural over processed wins every time.

Curious as to what I’ve been making?

cauliflower chinese stir fry tuna salad

stuffed pepperschili lime chicken

1. kung pao cauliflower: pretty yummy, but don’t ever try to convince me that cauliflower is a true substitute for chicken because nothing is similar, not taste nor texture.

2. tuna fish salad: I know, you hate me for saying this has been my lunch because it smells strongly. But it’s a grown up version, using herbs and peppers for kick and avocado in lieu of mayonnaise.

3. quinoa stuffed peppers: I’ve been on a spicy kick and the salsa in this recipe definitely does the trick. I’ve also been trying to find ways to eat less meat, that doesn’t leave me starving.

4. chili lime chicken: I don’t have a grill, but a panini press works just as well. It’s sweet and spicy, a perfect summer combination.

Desire the recipes? Click on the pictures to learn more!